


We are conducting Industrial Sewing Machine Operator (Female) under DDU-GKY since November 2017. 1st two batches completed in the last month and going to start the 2nd two batches in January 2018. It is purely free training with hostel accommodation in a safe campus.

The DDU GKY provides 100% placement to students. The programme has not only boosted confidence of women, but the placed candidates have remitted money back home which has in turn helped in creating an investible capital for households.

ASDM 1st Batch

ASDM 1st Batch

The ASDM classroom training has started formally on 2nd January with 30 trainees on Assistant Electrician trade. Preparation for 2nd batch is going on which will start soon.

It is worth reminding that APPITI was approved by ASDM in Assistant Electrician (2 batches comprising of 30 students each), Automotive Service Technician Level III (1 batch comprising 30 students) and Taxi Driver (1 batch comprising 30)


Basic Computer Training Program

The Basic Computer Training Program of APPL Estate staffs has successfully completed on 16th December. A total number of 117 staffs from 25 Estates and 3 PPC of Assam and Dooars participated the program.

On the closing day distributed Certificates to all the Participants.


ASDM Inaugural Function

The inauguration of Assam Skill Development Mission (ASDM) at APPITI-Rowta has been done on 28th December 2017. Mr. Shyam Sundi, EM-BTC inaugurated the program. Mr. Rakheswar Brahma, Ex-MLA, Majbat LAC, Ms. Budhimaya Devi, Chairman-VCDC-Rowta, Mr. Dipu Borah, OC-Rowta PS, All Head Masters of Local High School & HS Schools, Senior Citizens, Members of town Committee, Members from NGOs and Staff & Students of APPITI-Rowta were present on the function.


Project Sambhuya was launched in April

The skill development training initiatives to improve delivery of services to mother and children of the garden known as Project Sambhuya was launched in April. Now under the programme doctors and nurses form the tea garden hospitals are been trained to provide quality healthcare services. This will improve the health of both mothers and children and reduce mortality rates.


The hard toil at the farms reaps the harvest.

The hard toil at the farms reaps the harvest. From working day and night at the filed to grow turmeric the small scale framers are now harvesting the turmeric crop. The farmers proudly show their produce which will be soon linked to the market.
