

Hand in Hand for Mothers and Children at Tea Gardens

Under Project Sambhuya of USAID; APPL, APPLF and SAATHI have partnered to ensure quality maternal and newborn care and family planning services in all 25 APPL Tea Gardens. To act as a driving force a Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) has been formed consisting of APPL, APPLF, SAATHI, FOGSI and District representatives. The very first meeting of QAC was held on 12th September 2017 at RHRC, Chubwa. The meeting was attended by 15 participants where way forward to the initiative was discussed.



The e-Healthcare project links an eHub situated in one of APPL's Estates to five estate hospitals spread across Assam and North Bengal. This project had a total of 19462 beneficiaries in 2015-2016 alone! HP India

#ActionsThatMatter | #APPLFoundation


VTC Dam Dim

VTC #DamDim in North #Bengal was initiated 21 years ago, with the objective of providing skills training to various individuals on the estate including the physically challenged individuals in its neighbouring areas. Since then, new courses have been introduced each year!


Vision Restored

First of its kind initiative in the tea industry taken up by Amalgamated Plantations Pvt Ltd to provide free eyewear to its workforce.
