APPL Foundation aims to create a lasting impact on the communities in North East India by focusing on education and skill-development of the younger generations.
Together let's change lives

Improvement pertaining to Healthcare has been witnessed unevenly across the nation, especially the North East, with wide urban-rural variations and limited access to the medical services.

Development at the cost of environment is a loss for a region and its community. APPL Foundation’s goal is to preserve the region’s rich biodiversity and further traditional professions like farming alongside newer professions.

North East India is home to different tribal and ethnic groups, making it one of the most culturally diverse regions of the country. Though culturally abundant and unique, the region’s tribal arts and cultural practices seldom find a place in any mainstream discussion and face the threat of disappearance.

APPLF since its inception has been the witness of ravaging floods in Assam every year. With accent of monsoon, Bramhaputra swells and overflows its banks wreaking havoc and causing death. Lakhs of people every year at affected by flood: loss of home, scarcity of food, cloths, shelter, safe drinking water and no medical aid are the prime features of flood.