The hard toil at the farms reaps the harvest. From working day and night at the filed to grow turmeric the small scale framers are now harvesting the turmeric crop. The farmers proudly show their produce which will be soon linked to the market.
News from APPL Foundation
“Caring for the Eye” – A desk dispensing spectacles by Vision spring had been installed at RHRC Chubwa which now is helping return sight to the needy. The desk is dispensing affordable and quality spectacles.
Aware of Facts mothers armed to take informed decision! Regular mother meetings are conducted at all the tea gardens to decimated information to the mothers who in turn educate their children of the same. It is one step towards making a change happen.
A cochlear implant screening camp was conducted at RHRC Chubwa to bring back hope in the life of people with hearing impairment. Children holding hands of their parents visited the camp and received the screening service.
The 3 days “Training for screening & early detection of cervical, breast & oral cancers in NER of India” to 7 Estate doctors was completed. This is a part of ICMR & RHRC Study on cancer detection (cervical, breast & oral) in our Estates. The training will reflect early detection of cancer in the tea garden community.