Signing of MoU between HPE & APPL Foundation on the 9th of Aug 2022
Signing of MoU between HPE & APPL Foundation on the 9th of Aug 2022, wherein Hewlett Packard Enterprise India Pvt Ltd. ( HPE) under their CSR initiative have agreed to help out 10 Tea Estate Hospitals under Amalgamated Plantations Pvt Ltd (APPL) , with the facilities of e Health Centres , where they would be providing the computer hardware for the centres along with Laboratory & other Hospital equipment. The e Health centers will be located at Hattigor, Nahorani, Nonoi, Sagmootea, Diffloo, Lattakoojan, Kakajan, Achabam, Teok ( KD) & Rungamuttee Tea Estates of APPL and also, an e Healthcare Studio at RHRC, Chubwa.
Through these 9 e Health centers, a population of approx. 61000, will get the benefit of e consultations with Specialists at our Referral Hospital & Research Centre located at Chubwa, Dibrugarh, where a state of the art Telemedicine Studio is also being set-up.