TATA Volunteering Week - RHRC, Chubwa
Referral Hospital & Research Centre (RHRC), Chubwa organized the activity “Health Checkup of College Teachers by Medical Specialists & Experience Sharing Motivational Session with Students” on September 20, 2015 at DDR College, Chabua in Dibrugarh, Assam. The team comprised of Specialist of various medical departments viz. Surgery, (Dr. A. Sarman), Medicine (Dr. S. Buragohain), Gynaecology (Dr. A. Hussian) Eye (Dr. S. N. Goswami), ENT (Dr. M. K. Das) & Dental (Dr. V. Pathak). Various health checkup as well as health counseling was done for all college teachers. Health check was also extended to the college students. Dr. P. Khaund, CMO for Amalgamated Plantations and Senior Administrator of RHRC also counseled teachers on the importance of good health. After completion of the health checkup, “Experience Sharing Motivational Session with Students” was conducted, where all Medical Specialists shared their experience about what made them become doctors. Besides sharing experiences, they also spoke on importance of good health, hard work, personality development, determination, dreaming big and exploring own talent. Principal of the college, Dr. B. Barman highly commended the activity organized by RHRC & made special mention about the Experience Sharing Session, which he felt was one of the best programs organized in the college so far.