Integration of Mental Health Services in Tea Garden Areas
Mental Disorders contribute 13% of global burden of worldwide disease. Three-fourths of the burden occurs in lower and middle income countries. Most Low and Middle income countries have little or no access to proper care especially the marginalised population. The biggest challenge with mental health care is the stigma associated with it. Mental disorders affect about 25 million people in India- 1 in 4 people will have a mental disorder at some point in life. Lack of access to treatment is a huge problem, compounded by ignorance, negative attitudes and social stigma that often lead to discrimination, ill treatment and violation of human rights. Mental healthcare in India is riddled largely by inadequate medical and professional services, marked by an absence of effective and efficient community based support systems.
Responding to the mental health needs of people residing within the tea gardens and enhancing livelihood and employment opportunities for people recovering from their problems in the INCENSE catchment area is the prime purpose of the collaboration between the Parivartan Trust and APPL Foundation. A survey has been conducted in the 5 estates and patients are being sent for referrals to We have, as part of the pilot project, provided spice farming training to recovering patients and their caregivers in Tezpur.
Important Facts:
- 80 - Patients with Severe Mental Disorder (SMD) identified from 5 Tea Esatates
- 18 - Patients Referred to Institute of Mental Health
- 23 - Patients Trained in Spice Cultivation