Project ‘SWADHIN’- the Menstrual Health Management (MHM) Programme
Project ‘SWADHIN’, the Menstrual Health Management (MHM) Programme of APPL Foundation is implemented in the four estates of Amalgamated Plantation Pvt. Ltd. (APPL)- Borhat, Achabam, Nahorkutia, and Namroop in collaboration with ‘Aadya- Zaroori Hai’.
Research says that menstruation is still taboo and subjected to superstition to the people of the Tea tribe community. It is associated with many do's and don'ts. 9 out of 10 women believe menstrual blood is impure. Generally, women and adolescent girls use cloth as menstrual absorbent and use sanitary napkins only while going outdoors. Also, 70% of women change menstrual absorbents when it starts to overflow. This program is supposed to bridge the gap between the menstrual practices that the women of the tea tribe community follow and the best practices that need to be followed.
SWADHIN aims to generate awareness on menstrual hygiene and make quality affordable menstrual absorbents accessible and affordable. It also aims to give the women of the tea estates dignified menstrual days in the workplace and encourage hygiene health practices. One coordinator –‘Sakhi’ from the tea community is selected for each of the four gardens. She is handling the access of the sanitary pads and awareness generation process. This is an entrepreneurial model of APPLF which provides the Sakhis with a monthly allowance and with a basic incentive.
Project Activities at Various Locations