Workforce Nutrition Programme
The wellbeing of individuals and communities as a whole lies in their intake of nutrition. Irrespective of the urban and rural divide, changing lifestyle is a constant has impacted the nutrition practices of communities adversely. Communities can achieve better health as well as reduced expenditures in healthcare by adopting better nutrition practices. APPL Foundation in collaboration with GAIN and NEADS has initiated a nutrition programme in the tea garden communities of Borjan and Nahartoli Tea Estates in Upper Assam. The programme attempts to introduce kitchen gardening and promotes adoption of coking practices which has the potential to impact nutrition intake positively. Different stakeholders of the community are being sensitized and empowered to be practitioners of nutrition promoting practices in the communities.
Progress so far
- 3 Cooking demonstrations organized across 3 communities attended by 140 enthusiasts
- 2432 home visits conducted to generate awareness
- 745 pregnant and lactating women counselled about importance of nutrition
- 12 capacity building workshops of Dharmalife Entrepreneurs (DLE’s) conducted
- 96 families procured fortified food, 18 families procured solar lights and 2 families procured induction cooktop from DLE’s.