Featured Stories & Updates

Krishna Rabha
Success Stories

Krishna Rabha’s closely knit family of four resides in a village 40 km away from APPITI, Rowta. His father is a daily wage earner while his mother takes care of the household. Living in a small house and within meagre means, their parents had ensured that both Krishna and his elder brother went to school.

Jan 04, 2016
Success Stories

Devika Bora talks about the Rungamuttee Ladies Craft Centre

Jan 03, 2016
Muskaan Adolescent Girls' Club, Namroop Tea Estate
Success Stories

UNICEF and ETP have come together to launch an initiative with the objective of increasing knowledge, skills and confidence of young people, particularly girls in tea communities; improving their ‘life skills’ and protection within their communities; thereby increasing the options open to them and enabling them to make informed decisions about their future.

Jan 03, 2016
Dipak Kalindi
Success Stories

Dipak Kalindi’s family migrated from Purulia district in West Bengal four generations ago. Born and brought up on the gardens, he thinks of himself as a ‘local’ in Assam. While Dipak works as an office clerk in Hattigor estate, his passion lies elsewhere.

Jan 03, 2016
Ranjit Tanti
Success Stories

At the prospect of a better means of livelihood, and consequently, a better life, Ranjit’s grandparents travelled from Orissa to the tea garden in Hatigarh, Assam. Here, they worked in the garden as pluckers, never returning to the place they once called home. His parents were born and raised here on the garden and followed in the same footsteps as the earlier generation.

Jan 03, 2016
