Trainee to Trainer!
Ms. Jushi from Sadiya had little idea, when she had enrolled for the Sewing machine operator course at Chabua, that one day she would create a name for herself. After completing the 2month residential Sewing Machine Operator course at GTETS-VTC Chabua, Jushi was offered job placement at Cotton Blossom(India) Pvt. Ltd., Tiruppur, Tamil nadu as a Trainee Tailor (DOJ : 15th May 2017). By sheer hard work, sincerity, eagerness to learn and a burning desire to grow in life Jushi continued her work and within the first four months (August 25th, 2017) she was promoted to be a member of the Industrial Engineering Department. Jushi's work now is to keep a track of the daily production work and train the supervisors. We congratulate Jushi on her success and wish her all the best for her future endeavour.